Saturday, January 16, 2016

Good News

You get what you validate (support the truth or value of).  When it comes to News we don't have many choices.  Bad news sells so that's what we get.  We don't, however, have to validate it.  Tragedy is part of life and when it strikes -- handle it.  Don't tune in to watch unless you can do something to make it better.  Take action.  Don't be a spectator.  Spectating is for sports, not life.  Don't be a spectator in life.

Between tragedies we can seek out other sources of news, and it's nice to have a few out there focused on the good.  The Good News Network is one of them.

By the way, this isn't a head-in-the-sand mentality, or whistling past the graveyard.  Validating that which is desired is the first step on the road to making it better.  Validating the negative is not.  Validate the good, not the bad.  You'll be surprised how well that works.  :-)


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