Saturday, January 16, 2016

Good News

You get what you validate (support the truth or value of).  When it comes to News we don't have many choices.  Bad news sells so that's what we get.  We don't, however, have to validate it.  Tragedy is part of life and when it strikes -- handle it.  Don't tune in to watch unless you can do something to make it better.  Take action.  Don't be a spectator.  Spectating is for sports, not life.  Don't be a spectator in life.

Between tragedies we can seek out other sources of news, and it's nice to have a few out there focused on the good.  The Good News Network is one of them.

By the way, this isn't a head-in-the-sand mentality, or whistling past the graveyard.  Validating that which is desired is the first step on the road to making it better.  Validating the negative is not.  Validate the good, not the bad.  You'll be surprised how well that works.  :-)


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Soul Mates

Or love at first sight.  This concept is as timeless in use as it is in its implied continuum of connection.  Throughout the history of humans people have experienced falling in love with someone from the very first moment they meet.  Certainly the percentage who experience this is small, but it happens all the time all around the world every day.  With billions of us alive on this planet at any given moment it's just the law of statistical averages in action.

But why does it happen at all?

Soul mates.  When we say love at first sight we're talking about meeting a soul mate.  Someone we're not, actually, meeting for the first time.  It's funny, but this part of the equation often gets left alone.  We say "soul mate", and we know instinctively what that implies -- and we believe it -- but we don't usually stop to think what it really means.

It isn't, of course, necessary to get that significant, but the truth is the phenomena of that feeling of having known someone, of already being linked to them, impossibly, from the very first moment of meeting, of loving them so deeply and completely without knowing a thing about them in their current form ... is tough to explain.

Yet it happens.

And so it does in "Star Angel".  When Jessica meets Zac it's this sort of inexplicable, incredible reaction.  Jessica's friend, Bianca, can't believe the lengths Jess goes to, what she does for this strange boy who's fallen from the sky.  Even Jess herself doesn't really understand it.

Read on to see why.  Jess and Zac do eventually discover their connection.  From the start they're drawn to each other, with such a powerful force it drives them to amazing lengths to be together.

For our heroes are the truest examples of timeless love.  :-)


Friday, January 1, 2016

Two Types Of Story

Everyone has a story to tell.  At least one.  Of this I'm convinced.  Some have more than one, some have many, and some people are nearly bursting at the seams with stories.  While there may not be a limit to the top of the scale, I do believe there's a limit to the bottom.  It isn't zero.

Everyone has at least one.

And so what I've noticed, writing as long as I have been, is that most stories fall into one of two categories: Already There or Make It From Scratch.  In the final bargain maybe all stories are "already there", but that's a bit too esoteric to dive into and, mostly, you, me -- anyone undertaking to write a story -- will notice it's either one or the other.  Either you've got a story idea burning to be told, or you come up with an idea and then work on writing the story from scratch.  Either way, it would seem to me all stories fall into one of these two categories.  Is this a "Duh!" moment?  Probably.  :-)

Anyway, the Already There story can, at times, be easier to write, as it's more likely to flow and the outline is often easier.  Crafting one from scratch can take more effort, sometimes a lot more, and usually involves a much more involved outlining process.  This isn't necessarily always the case.  Passion for the Already There story can bring its own sets of challenges.

Once the writing begins, however, it's interesting how a Make It From Scratch story can begin to flow same as an Already There.  Such that even something that was just an idea you came up with for the sake of writing a story can begin to take on life, and you may find yourself rushing with it in a stream of consciousness -- just as if it had been burning there all along.  Which is why I think all stories may be "already there", at least in chunks, some just buried far deeper than others, and so maybe there's really only one type of story in the end.

But that's probably a topic for another day.

That's my two cents for now.  Happy New Year.  May 2016 be awesome for you.  And, as always, read and read more.  And write.  Sharing stories is an age-old hobby, and if you haven't told yours yet ... by all means, get to it.  :-)
