Sunday, October 11, 2015

Uncharted Territory

With the upcoming release of Book Two I'm entering somewhat uncharted territory.  I've released a follow-on book before, but it was a prequel and, while the universe for those stories was the same, with shared history and worlds and all else, the characters were new.  With Return to Anitra, the second book in the Star Angel pentalogy, the characters are very much the same.  In fact, as "Book Two" this is most definitely a continuation of their story.  :-)

As such there's a bit of nerves.  Many people have said how much they loved the first book, and as a result the pressure's on.  Did I get it right?  I'm not sure exactly how I could "get it wrong", being as I'm unfolding the story as I see it, however there are a lot of people who will likely have differing ideas as to how it should, or should have, progressed.  These are my readers, the people who matter most, the people I'm out to entertain, and so, while I myself most definitely love the story as it plays out in the second book, there's no guarantee others will.

That being the case, here's raising a glass to the hope that, mostly, at least, I got it right.

Of course, there are three more books to go, so even if I got this one spot on, I'll have ample opportunity to mess it up.  :-)



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