Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Quote

On October 27th, 2016, I give you this:

The ones who would do harm are Few.

The ones who are good, who understand the value of life, are Many. Make no mistake in this.

It matters not whether the Many smile, or say nice things, or even agree. None of that is necessary in order to be "good". The Many value life and will not take it. Your fellow man is far, far more likely to be one of the good. One of the Many. Your neighbor, no matter any disagreements, is very likely one of the good. This is true.

It is also true the Few are among us. They have in them the ability to inspire fear. As a reaction to that fear an effort may be made to render all less dangerous.

Do not allow this.

The surest way to empower the Few is to weaken the Many. To take the teeth from all, in the hopes those hidden Few will also become toothless. They will not. For if you seek to weaken all, the Few, as valueless, as morally devoid as they are, will find a way to retain their danger. Only the Many will suffer.

Instead do this. Make the Many MORE dangerous. Make the Many as a lion. As dangerous as they possibly can be, such that their teeth and their claws cannot be mistaken. The Few, then, their numbers so much smaller, will be as nothing against the Many.

And so make ALL dangerous. Encourage it. Let ALL be as strong as they possibly can be, and the world will be safe. Be yourself a dangerous force. When the Many are in their power the Few will be as nothing before them. Fully dangerous, fully as strong as they can be, unencumbered by any effort to weaken, the Many are unstoppable.

Fear, then, will belong to the Few.

- Anon
