Monday, June 27, 2016

The Decision

If 90% of life is showing up, and 90% of getting anything done is mental, attitude, whatever, that means only 1% of accomplishing anything comes down to a real, physical world challenge.  The other 99% is, in essence, a decision.  Make the decision.  Follow through.

It couldn't be more simple.

Yet simplicity doesn't always mean success.  Who's ever tried a diet?  How much more simple could anything be?

Eat right.

That's all there is to a diet.  Any diet.  Yet, it's a multi-billion dollar industry of books, plans, supplements, meals, magazines, shows ...

Eat right.  That's all there is to it.  Simple, yet ... never has there been a better example of the disconnect between the simplicity of what should be and the reality of what is.  This sort of disconnect is all too common in life.

But no matter the colossal worldwide energy that goes into dieting, a diet, like anything else, comes down to that same simplicity.

Make the decision.  Follow through.

Just because I believe this completely doesn't mean I'm the best practitioner.   However I offer it up for your consideration.  Maybe you'll be better at it than I am.  :-)

